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Shanghai Triumph held its 2013 work review meeting


On January, 24, Shanghai Triumph Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd. held its 2013 work review meeting, and, Peng Shou, the Chairman and President of CTIEC and the Chairman of Shanghai Triumph, attended the meeting and gave important instructions. Also present at the meeting were CTIEC’s Executive Vice President Sun Jian’An and other related leaders.
In 2013, Shanghai Triumph made remarkable progress in two main business fields, i.e., cement WHR projects and vertical cement mills, and, in a total of 28 WHR projects in construction in the whole year, 11 projects were combined to grid and passed 72-hour performance assessment; the company further expanded its overseas market, and signed three new orders from Turkish market; the vertical mills based on the technologies introduced from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries passed the acceptance of project, and various technical indexes were superior to the contract assessment indexes and reached an advanced level in domestic; the energy management contract (EMC) project run smoothly. The business revenue and net profit of the company in 2013 both realized a growth of 10%, and the amount of taxes paid exceeded ten million Yuan.
Peng Shou the Chairman fully affirmed the achievements made by Shanghai Triumph in 2013 with the comments of “normalized management, good achievements and innovative development”, and put forward the requirements of “making progress while maintaining stability and reducing debts while increasing performance based on integration and optimization”. He also expressed his wish that all parties concerned would closely concentrate their attention on the development strategies of CTIEC, continuously sum up their experience and learn new knowledge and skills and ceaselessly reinforce talent cultivation and confidence building, and that businesses would be constantly expanded in energy conservation and environmental protection field to build Shanghai Triumph into an international engineering company in this field by means of scientific and technical innovations, refined and advanced management and prioritized development of overseas market.