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STEC Hold the 2015 Annual Project Summary Communication Meeting


On June 24 and 25, 2015, STEC convened a waste heat power generation project in cement plant summary exchange meeting. Company leaders, all the departments and project managers, specialist engineers and

so on attended the meeting.

Company leaders asked everyone to speak freely, and have a full exchange focus on the experience and informations in the process of project implementation, and feedback the problems and put forword some relevant advices. Through summarizing the exchange to strengthen and promote the scientific, standardized and institutionalized aspects of the future project management, realize the project schedule, quality, cost and safety goals, and increase the owner's satisfaction with of our project management, to improve the contractual capacity of the contract.

Project managers from each site summarized and analysis their project and shared their experience, detailed report the construction progress and the problems encountered during the implementation of the project and thier suggestions. According to the proposed problems and suggestions, designer, procurement staff, project management personnel actively participated in discussion, and discussed the solution and improve the measures. And convened workshops to solve the concentration and widely effect problems.

At the meeting, everyone exchanges schedule, quality, cost and safety control management in the project implementation, put forward valuable suggestions in the process of design, procurement and construction project management work, and also had a heated discussion about the optimization of design, procurement and project management of each link and put forward some good advices.

Through the project meeting, promote the fine management of the project, on the basis of summarizing the experience and lessons extensively, make project management more scientific, standardized; Scheme optimization and more reasonable; Lower the project cost, enhance the comprehensive competitive force of our company. The meeting was a complete success.