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The kick-off meeting of the first batch of major scientific and technological research projects of CTIEC in the national building materials industry was held

On January 28, 2022, the kick-off meeting of the first batch of major scientific and technological research projects in the national building materials industry led by China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd,(CTIEC) was held in Shanghai. Liu Jianhua, vice president of China Building Materials Federation, Shi Hongwei, deputy secretary general and director of science and technology development department, Luo Ning, deputy director, and Liu Haifeng, vice president of Science and Technology Development Research Institute of East China University of Science and Technology and director of China Energy Coal Gasification Technology R&D Center, attended the meeting. Entrusted by Peng Shou, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief engineer of China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) and chairman of CTIEC, Ma Liyun, Secretary of the Party committee and President of the CTIEC, attended the meeting and made a speech. Guan Min, Minister of Science and Technology Information Department, presided over the meeting. Gao Yanfei, the subject facilitator and general manager of Shanghai Triumph Energy Conservation Engineering Co., Ltd.(STEC) and Mao Qing, the subject facilitator and associate professor of Dalian University of Technology, respectively reported the overall situation of the project. The participating leaders and experts discussed the contents of the project and put forward guidance. They agreed that the CO2 electrocatalytic conversion project relies on the industrial technology foundation of CTIEC and STEC in CO2 capture and purification, and combined with the technical advantages of Dalian University of Technology in CO2 electrocatalytic conversion, so as to promote the application of CO2 in a wider field deeper industrial utilization, realize the demonstration system of "capture, purification and transformation of CO2 into one", innovate and build a "glass +" integrated green industrial chain in the whole life cycle, promote the low-carbon production mode of products and the greening of service mode, and boost the innovation and development of green and low-carbon technology in the building materials industry. Vice president Liu Jianhua affirmed that CTIEC has fully affirmed the preliminary research and team formation of the project, he said: CTIEC has the strong background of CNBM and Triumph Group and relying on the resource advantages of academician Peng Shou's team, it has played a good supporting role in the smooth implementation of the project. It is hoped that the project undertaker will stand at the level of national and industrial development, allocate scientific and technological resources, increase scientific and technological investment, innovate scientific and technological performance evaluation mechanism, create good conditions and tolerant atmosphere for project scientific researchers, and ensure the smooth implementation of the project; It is also hoped that the project team can enhance its sense of mission and responsibility, take the lead and work together to complete various key research tasks with high quality, and strive to reach the international leading level. More than 10 project team members, including Zuo Zefang and Liu Yaolong, deputy chief engineers of CTIEC and Chen Shaoyun, senior engineer of Dalian University of Technology, attended the meeting online or offline.