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Stand firm and be self-reliant! Representative Peng Shou performs his duties and responsibilities for the construction of a material power country

The National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are about to open in 2022. Peng Shou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief engineer of China National Building Material Group(CNBM), and chairman of Triumph Group, will participate in the 10th year as a representative of the National People's Congress. As a deputy to the National People's Congress for two consecutive terms, Peng Shou has submitted a total of 40 proposals to the National People's Congress in the past 9 years, each of which has been adopted by relevant central and local departments. Peng Shou takes practical actions to make suggestions for the development of the country, offer advice for the transformation of the industry, and speak for technological innovation. On the morning of March 3, Peng Shou and the representatives of the National People's Congress in Anhui took the high-speed rail from Hefei to Beijing to attend the fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress. In the next few days, Representative Peng Shou will perform his duties in accordance with the law and discuss state affairs together with many representatives. At the National Two Sessions in 2021, based on the high-quality development of new materials in the country, representative Peng Shou put forward 4 suggestions on technological innovation, green development, industrial safety, and rural revitalization. At the same time, Peng Shou gave practical solutions and promoted the implementation, so as to continuously perform duties for the construction of scientific and technological independence and material power. Aiming at original and leading scientific and technological research: Strengthen the innovation of basic materials to empower "Created in China" General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that key core technologies cannot be obtained, bought or negotiated. Last year, Peng Shou put forward a proposal to "strengthen the innovation of basic materials to empower 'created in China'". This proposal was listed as a key proposal of the National People's Congress, and was jointly supervised by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology. Over the past year, CNBM and other industry leaders, experts and scholars have accelerated the construction of a national manufacturing innovation center in the field of key basic materials, focusing on enhancing the independent guarantee capability of China’s key basic materials, and striving to carry out collaborative innovation among platform resources such as industry-leading enterprises, universities, key laboratories, international engineering technology center. The innovation and progress of basic materials cannot be separated from the strong support of the "National Team". As the world's largest comprehensive building materials manufacturer, the world's leading new material developer and comprehensive service provider, CNBM has formed a " tripartite confrontation " development pattern of basic building materials, new materials and engineering services. On February 12, the National Innovation Center for Advanced Glass Materials and China National Building Material Glass New Materials Research Institute, led by Triumph Group, a subsidiary of CNBM, were formally established. The National Innovation Center for Advanced Glass Materials is the first batch of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the only national manufacturing innovation center in the industry; China National Building Material Glass New Materials Research Institute will make every effort to promote the engineering, industrialization and internationalization of research and development results. This is Triumph Group practical action to follow the "four aspects" strategic guidelines, strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, and create the "source" of original innovation. Under the strategic guidance and strong support of CNBM, Triumph Group will give full play to the two-wheel drive of "one center and one General Institute", strive to create "national big materials", create a new situation of high-quality development of new glass materials, and promote China's basic materials to the center of the world stage Aiming at the national "double carbon" goal to achieve: Accelerate the application of green materials in buildings to help carbon neutrality Achieving carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 is China's commitment to the world. Based on the national "dual carbon" strategy and the needs of industry transformation, Peng Shou put forward a proposal to "accelerate the application of green materials in buildings to help carbon neutrality". Over the past year, the entire industry has worked together to accelerate the formulation and release of special policies and national standards for the application of green materials, and to promote the use of green materials such as energy-saving glass and power-generating glass in existing buildings; R&D and production, green building application promotion, smart grid transformation and upgrading, digital platform construction, etc. have given technical, financial and policy support, and achieved good results. In recent years, Triumph Group has vigorously promoted the demonstration application of photovoltaic glass and power generation glass. The copper indium gallium selenide power generation glass has repeatedly refreshed the world's highest conversion efficiency, continued to maintain the "first in China and the first in the world", and developed the world's first marble pattern power generation glass with great technological content and architectural aesthetics; cadmium telluride power generation glass is applied separately in the National Speed Skating Hall, Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics venue BIPV building integration project, Chicheng Olympic Corridor project, etc., to help the green winter Olympics with green, low-carbon, energy conservation and environmental protection, it has been reported by mainstream media such as People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency. 2022 has been designated as the International Year of Glass by the United Nations. At the opening ceremony, China's glass industry proposed to aim at "clean, carbon-free, intelligent and efficient", clarify the low-carbon development path of "core technology + key technology + supporting technology", and focus on "zero-carbon energy reconstitution, zero-carbon process reengineering, and construction of a carbon-negative system” will comprehensively help the glass industry to promote energy transformation and low-carbon transformation, and make concerted efforts to make China’s contribution to addressing global climate change. Aiming at the " shortcomings " of industry upgrades: Improve the independent and controllable ability of the industrial chain and supply chain It is the mission and responsibility of science and technology enterprises to open up the channel from strong technology to strong enterprise, strong industry and strong economy. Peng Shou put forward a proposal to "improve the independent and controllable capabilities of the industrial chain and supply chain" regarding the shortcomings of China industrial chain and supply chain autonomy and control, calling for encouraging and guiding upstream and downstream enterprises to carry out coordination of the entire industrial chain, and increasing support for key materials in the downstream certification and application; strengthen top-level design leadership, and focus on cultivating industry leaders as "chain master" companies in the industrial chain. In recent years, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other national ministries and commissions have continued to increase policy support for leading technology companies. On October 21, 2021, China's first 8.5-generation TFT-LCD glass substrate independently developed by Triumph Group, together with the China Space Station, the “Jiuzhang's” quantum computing prototype, the "Chang'e 5", and the “Fendouzhe Striver” deep-sea manned submersible and other advanced equipment for the country appeared at the National "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievement Exhibition, which was highly affirmed by party and state leaders. At present, the product has passed the certification of many well-known display panel companies, and has achieved batch import, which ensures the safety of national strategic industries. At the same time, Triumph Group Glass New Material Research Team has carried out the whole chain research from basic research of flexible glass, pre-production technology, industrial technology to terminal application, focusing on the safety and stability of the national industrial chain and supply chain, and independently developed and produced a world-leading 30 micron flexible and foldable glass; Accelerate the localization of technology and equipment, independently break through China's first neutral borosilicate glass tube for vaccines, take the lead in carrying out major national emergency special projects for vaccine packaging materials and pre-filling equipment, and defend people's lives and health with practical actions . Aiming at the basic support of modern agriculture: Accelerate Agricultural Modernization and Promote Rural Revitalization Recently, the Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization in 2022 issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council specifically proposed to strengthen the basic support of modern agriculture and accelerate the development of facility agriculture. In order to further give full play to the advantages of science and technology and enterprises in the rural revitalization strategy, Peng Shou put forward the suggestion of "accelerating agricultural modernization and promoting rural revitalization". Relying on its technological advantages of new glass materials, Triumph Group accelerates digital and smart transformation, and creates a deep integration of 5G, internet, big data, cloud computing and other emerging technologies with agricultural production. In addition to analyzing the automatic regulation of greenhouse environment, control of irrigation and fertilization operations, it also combines modern planting methods such as carbon capture technology, soilless cultivation and integration of water and fertilizer. At present, Triumph Group has built and put into operation nearly 3,000 acres of facility agricultural projects in Shandong, Sichuan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Heilongjiang, Ningxia and other places. In 2021, Triumph Group and Xiaogang Village jointly build a facility agricultural base, which gather high-end smart glass greenhouses, fully automatic processing production lines, and smart cloud warehouses, and promote farmers to continue to increase their income and become wealthy in building a demonstration platform. On the eve of the two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to speed up the construction of a group of world-class enterprises with excellent products, outstanding brands, leading innovation and modern governance. Peng Shou said that the "14th Five-Year Plan" is a strategic opportunity period for China to transform from a " consumers of raw materials " to a "supplier of raw materials". Both enterprises and individuals have a mission and a responsibility on their shoulders. The power entrusted by the people and perform more consciously. The responsibilities of the deputies to the National People's Congress are to continue to make new contributions to the development of the country, the happiness of the people, the progress of the industry, and the first-class enterprises, and to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.