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Triumph Group held the second quarter safety and environmental protection first responsible person meeting

On April 20, Triumph Group held the first person responsible for safety and environmental protection meeting in the second quarter of 2022. Zhang Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Triumph Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, and Deputy General Manager Wang Congxiao presided over the meeting.

In the first quarter of 2022, Triumph Technology Group has ensured a stable safety and environmental protection work situation on the basis of a good start and a stable start to its business performance. The construction rate of safety and environmental protection organizations in manufacturing and engineering construction enterprises has reached 100%, the construction rate of safety and environmental protection responsibility systems has reached 100%, and the construction rate of safety and environmental protection management systems has reached 100%; 4 new safety standard compliance enterprises and 7 environmental management system certification enterprises were added; 644 safety and environmental training, 73 emergency drills, and 2,264 safety and environmental inspections were carried out.

Zhang Jian first conveyed the work requirements of Peng Shou, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief engineer of CNBM, and chairman of Triumph Group, on "further consolidating the responsibility for safety and environmental protection, adhering to the put people and lifefirst,sticking to the safety red line and ecological bottom line". She asked to fully understand the extreme importance of safety and environmental protection in the "3+1" strategy of rapid landing glass new materials, and took the recent industry safety production accident as an example to deeply analyze the cause of the accident, reminding enterprises to pay attention to five points,first is to pay attention to the intrinsic safety of production facilities and equipment;the second is to pay attention to the legal compliance of employees' operations; the third is to pay attention to the effectiveness and rationality of labor protection equipment; the fourth is to pay attention to the implementation of safety training and education; Fifthis topay attention to the job competency of employees' physical and mental health.

She emphasized that it is necessary to continue to carry forward the excellent traditional safety culture such as the five minutes beforeclass safety education, safety interlocking, and love wall, and advocate the creation of a professional and persevering team of Triumph safety and environmental protection team.The main person in charge of the enterprise takes the lead in fulfilling responsibilities and further promotes the implementation of the 15 central safety measures, and makes every effort to escort Triumph's production and operation in a safe, stable and orderly manner.

Wang Congxiao pointed out that first, it iseffectively improve political position, firmly establish the concept of safe development and green development, deeply learn the lessons of accidents, continuously build a solid management foundation, and keep the alarm bell ringing at all times. Second, it is necessary to continuously improve the emergency handling and response capabilities of various emergencies, improve emergency plans, strengthen emergency drills, and handle scientifically and promptly. Third, itis to carry out the safety production promotion year, the safety production inspection, and the special rectification actions for open-pit mines and flat glass environmental protection, so that the prescribed actions are not out of shape, the optional actions are distinctive, and the conventional actions are not discounted.

The first person in charge of safety and environmental protection of 16 member companies including CNBM Glass New Materials Research Institute, CTIEC, Triumph Group, Huaguang Group,Luoyang Float Glass Group and Yaohua Group reported the completion of safety and environmental KPI indicators.

554 persons in charge of all-level sub-enterprises, persons in charge of safety production and environmental protection, and persons in charge of safety and environmental protection departments attended the meeting in 84 video venues.