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Sprint half-yearly goals and tasks | Triumph Group held a monthly analysis meeting in June


On June 15, Triumph Group held its June monthly analysis meeting. Peng Shou, academician of the chinese academy of engineering, chief engineer of CNBM, and chairman of Triumph Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Jian, secretary of the party committee and general manager of Triumph Group, made arrangements for the next stage of work. Tang Liwei, executive deputy general manager, presided over the meeting.Li Tunan,chief accountant, reported the company's operation from January to May, and the heads of key enterprises reported the production and operation of each enterprise from January to May.

Peng Shou fully affirmed the efforts and achievements of various companies from January to May. He pointed out:

Facing the pressure of the impact of the covid-19, fluctuations in demand and rising costs, Triumph Group, under the strategic leadership of CNBM, coordinated and worked hard to achieve a substantial increase in business performance against the trend, while actively supporting the epidemic prevention and control work in Shanghai, which demonstrates the responsibility of central enterprises, and has been fully affirmed by the SASACand sincere thanks from the local party committees and governments.

In terms of sprinting the half-year work goal and handing over the high-quality development answer sheet, Peng Shou requested:

First, answer the call and improvethestance. Focusing closely on the work policy of the CPC Central Committee "the epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and the development must be safe", implement the instructions and requirements of Secretary Hao Peng's investigation of CNBM, strictly implement the work arrangements of Chairman Zhou Yuxian and General Manager Li Xinhua, refine measures, reverse indicators, and outperform the general trend to ensure that the business objectives for the first half of the year are fully achieved

Second, we must be firm in our strategic goals and unswerving. The Central Applied Research Institute should give full play to the advantages of innovation and engineering, the three major industrial sectors should be solid platforms, integrated and optimized, and enterprises at all levels should understand and clarify their strategies, strengthen the integration of personnel, strictly conduct performance assessment, establish an effective incentive mechanism, and improve all employees. Labor productivity; strengthen the top-level design of finance, do a good job in management and coordination, truly focus on the capital market to look at the enterprise, focus on the market response to build the enterprise, focus on the performance growth, and make concerted efforts to accelerate the implementation of the "3+1" strategy.

Third, we shouldstrengthen the management of"three-fine" to improve efficiency. All enterprises must build "invisible champion" and "head enterprise" in the direction of "advanced, sophisticated, specialized, new and special"; adhere to the principle of "price—volume—profit", form a large corps of operations, and fully coordinate product prices; vigorously carry out "increasing, saving and reducing" and implement various measures to reduce costs and increase efficiency; strengthen investment management and project management, and do a good job in financial investment models and investment reviews; take effective measures in a timely manner, assign responsibilities to individual, keep an eye on key financial indicators,and strive to achieve management benefits and management to generate income..

Fourth, we must focus on key issues for development. Continue to promote internationalization, further consolidate the domestic and international "dual circulation" of engineering services, attach great importance to the top-level design of international projects, and promote materials, technologies and equipment to go out and enter the center of the world stage. Continue to strengthen party building and clean government construction, and continue to strengthen the construction of cadres, so that "Triumph becomes a platform for everyone to develop". It is necessary to firmly establish the "big safety concept", always put safety and environmental protection first, build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control, improve the ability to identify public opinion, and comprehensively do a good job in risk prevention, so as to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with more stable development and more practical actions.

Zhang Jian affirmed the company's operating performance and main product performance from January to May, affirmed the highlights of the company's work, deeply analyzed the current economic situation, opportunities and challenges, and made arrangements for the next stage of work.

The first is to promote the implementation of the "3+1" strategic layout at full speed. It is necessary to make full use of the advantages of the whole industry chain of mineral resources, manufacturing, equipment manufacturing and engineering services, strengthen the collaborative optimization and integration of various sectors, and promote the implementation of the strategy at full speed.

The second is to make every effort to do a good job in production and operation, resolutely implement CNBM business principles of "stabilizing prices, reducing costs, maintaining volume, reducing and optimizing", adhere to lean production, fine management, pay close attention to marketing, keep an eye on KPI indicators, and beware of capital chain risk.

The third is to make overall arrangements for all key tasks. We must closely focus on the work deployment of "stabilizing growth, preventing risks, promoting reform, and strengthening party building", and do our best to do key tasks such as party building, safety and environmental protection, epidemic prevention and control, and mechanism innovation.

At the same time, all enterprises should carry out various tasks in accordance with the requirements of the "Safe Production Month", and do a good job in flood and epidemic prevention, so as to provide a solid guarantee for the overall sprinting of the business performance in the first half of the year.

Liu Zhenwang, full-time director of Triumph Group, members of the leadership team, department heads, leadership teams of member companies and heads of relevant departments attended the meeting on-site or via video.