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STEC Attends the 2023 International Forum on Carbon Reduction in the Building Materials Industry

On July 25, 2023, the 2023 International Forum on Carbon Reduction in the China Building Material, hosted by the China Building Material Council, encourages the promotion of applied technologies and product exchanges. Gao Yanfei, Chairman and General Manager of STEC, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.
The theme of this forum is "greenization, high-end, and intelligentized ". Government officials, experts, scholars, and business representatives from the global construction materials industry jointly discuss carbon reduction and carbon neutrality strategies in the building materials industry.
Yan Xiaofeng, President of the China Building Material Council, stated in his speech that China has a super large-scale market advantage and a complete building materials industry system. There is not only broad market demand for advanced carbon reduction technologies and products, but also a relatively rich demonstration application scenario. We are willing to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with all parties, work together to promote the " greenization, high-end, and intelligentized" upgrading of China's building materials industry, and promote international cooperation in carbon reduction technology and technological innovation in the global building materials industry. Creating development opportunities through openness, solving business problems through cooperation, promoting green development through low-carbon environmental protection, empowering high-end development through technological innovation, and promoting intelligence through digitization, striving to achieve the development goal of "promoting industry and quality, and benefiting humanity" in the building materials industry.

Gao Yanfei gave a speech on the content of "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization Technology Path in the Glass Industry and Research on CO2 Capture and Electrocatalytic Conversion". The glass production line and cement production line are both high energy consuming industries, and a large amount of CO2 is generated during the production process. In response to the national dual carbon "3060" goal, the implementation of carbon reduction in the glass production line is urgent. Under the strategic planning of Triumph Group, STEC has taken the lead in building the world's first demonstration project for CO2 capture and utilization of glass flue gas on the new energy glass production line of CNBM Hefei. This project has pioneered the recycling and utilization of CO2 in the world's glass industry, and has a leading and demonstration effect on carbon reduction in the building materials industry. It has important demonstration significance for promoting national CO2 reduction. In the future, STEC will further promote this technology and widely use it in glass production lines around the world, leading the industry development with technology.
Meng Qinglin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd., Wu Fade, Deputy General Manager of CNBM, Zeng Wenfei, Manager of Beijing Jinyu Beishui Technology, and Tian Lijun, General Manager of SUPCON Double Carbon Business, among other top research institutes and outstanding building materials enterprises in the field of building materials at home and abroad, attended the meeting.

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